One-On-One Training
There is no substitute for personal attention. I create a personal training program to meet your specific needs and goals.
All programs include strengthening, stretching, and ELDOA. You receive hands on undivided attention during each session to ensure precise and effective movement during each exercise. Cueing you to practice precise movements facilitates integration deep within the body, resulting in lasting change any time you perform the exercise.
I believe that educating my clients provides them the tools necessary to not only to recover from injury and rebuild their bodies, but sustain their health. Private personal training sessions are a great way to establish exercise habits that can improve health and quality of life.
Everyone can benefit from the effects of ELDOAs and MyoFascial Stretching. Instruction is provided by a Certified ELDOA/MFS Instructor. ELDOA will improve your overall strength and mobility thereby helping you perform at your best. There are many benefits to practicing ELDOA and Myo-Fascial Stretching on a regular basis.
Benefits include, but are not limited to:
Improved posture
Reduced joint inflammation
Preserving the health of your spine
Increased muscle tone
Reduction of chronic pain
Improved body awareness
Improved overall wellbeing