My Techniques
The Ultimate Method to Change Your Life
Following an evaluation, I develop an individualized program to address the body globally instead of just treating the symptom(s). I integrate a variety of techniques including SEGMENTAL STRENGTHENING to reinforce muscle tissue and function, PROPRIOCEPTION to improve joint stability and ligament function, ELDOA to reduce pain and compression in the spine and other joints in the body, MYO-FASCIAL STRETCHING and GLOBAL POSTURAL STRETCHING to improve tissue quality and imbalances.

My Techniques
The Ultimate Method to Change Your Life
Following an evaluation, I develop an individualized program to address the body globally instead of just
treating the symptom(s). I integrate a variety of techniques including SEGMENTAL STRENGTHENING to reinforce muscle tissue and function, PROPRIOCEPTION to improve joint stability and ligament function, ELDOA to reduce pain and compression in the spine and other joints in the body, MYO-FASCIAL STRETCHING and GLOBAL POSTURAL STRETCHING to improve tissue quality and imbalances.